Gnu Quartet
In Analogy Records since:
June 2014
According to an ancient African legend, the Gnu is the result of various cross breedings. Even the extremely rare Gnu Italicus is the fruit of a curious mix of many colorful experiences: it comes as a stage animal with the body of a classical musician, the brain of a jazzman and rockers’ paws.
The GnuQuartet was born under the star of the PFM, legendary Italian prog band, at the Milan National Theatre, in 2006. Since then they began an uninterrupted sequence of cathodic adventures, valuable collaborations and original projects. The original and versatile sound of this quartet stems out of sheer enthusiasm for music without preconceptions, from the chemistry between joy and research, from the virtuosity of an academic upbringing mixed with a real passion for modern music.
Since 2006 the GnuQuartet released five records, with both original material and cover versions, and took part in many other projects on the writing, arranging or performing process. GQ did hundreds of gigs in Italy and abroad, as main act or featured group, and played in many radio and TV shows – Che tempo che fa, Parla con me, Il Tornasole, L’altro lato di Radio 2, Radio 1 Musica, RMC CLassic – as well as Festivals: Festival di Sanremo 2011, European Jazz Expo, Sildajazz Festival di Haugesund, Carinthian Summer Music Festival, Venezia Jazz, MITO Settembre Musica, Festival del Mediterraneo, I Suoni delle Dolomiti, Primo Maggio 2009 with Afterhours, 2010 with Baustelle and 2012 as Soloists accompanied by the Roma Sinfonietta. As a proof of their components’ versatility, there is a wealthy list of collaborations of the group with artists who apparently have little in common with each other: great songwriters like Gino Paoli and Niccolò Fabi, rockers Afterhours, electronic stalwarts Motel Connection and poppers Simone Cristicchi and Dolcenera.
In May of 2011 Something Gnu was released in Italy, a record a with jazzy vibe and in October of the same year the record was also released in France. Then the group was engaged in the recording of “muse_ic”, based on the interpretation of compositions by Muse, a classical and electronic sounding project, as well as “Untitled” their first record of entirely original material. In May 2014 GnuQ released the dreaming EP “Karma – GnuQuartet in prog in Mexico, Italy and Korea. A tribute to rock progressive influences in the original music of the group.